How to check if string is not null and not empty in java
Explains the ways to check if string is not null and not empty in java
#javaExplaining various ways to iterate through HashMap is a frequent coding challenge faced by Java developers
This post describes how to convert a String to an int in Java
A few IDEs issue the warnings when SerialVersionUID is missing. Here we check why it is important serialVersionUID.
Explains the ways to check if string is not null and not empty in java
#javaDiscusses the various ways to convert ArrayList
I got the jakarta.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp while implementing the mail service on spring boot with java 17
#javaPOST request with path variables? `@PathVariable` in a `@PostMapping`… Think you've got it? Think again. Uncover the unexpected behavior.
#javaLost a crucial file? No idea when or where it vanished? Git's history holds the key. Can you crack the code to find its lost commits?
#javaBypass Spring's `@Value` in unit tests? Inject your own values directly into your bean for clean, properties-file-free testing. Learn how!
#javaSending path variables in POST requests? Thought `@PathVariable` only worked with GET? Think again. Unlock the mystery of POST path parameters – your Spring solution awaits.
#javaPOST requests, path variables, and Spring Boot: Can you send a path variable *within* a POST request's body? Find the elegant solution.