how to get the current URL with jQuery and without parameters.
We can find how to get the current URL with jQuery and also get the current URL without parameters.
#javascriptExplaining various ways to iterate through HashMap is a frequent coding challenge faced by Java developers
We need to have a uniqueness in values to obtain the key using value from HashMap. Iterating through the HashMap is one way to receive them.
In this post, we are trying to find In javascript how to replace all occurrences of a String.
We can find how to get the current URL with jQuery and also get the current URL without parameters.
#javascriptExplains the ways to check if string is not null and not empty in java
#javaDiscusses the various ways to convert ArrayList
In this post, we will discuss How can we check for an empty/undefined/null string in JavaScript?
#javascriptIn this post, we are trying to find In javascript how to check if the string contains a specific word. experts suggest using string.includes(substring).
#javascriptIn this post we trying to find a solution on how to redirect to another page in javascript. Experts suggested to use window.location.replace(...)
#javascriptThis post explains the @RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations in Spring and its usage
#springGenerate a truly random 17-character alphanumeric ID. My current approach feels clunky. Is there a more elegant, performant solution? Challenge accepted?