Follow the rules governing in the roundabouts
Roundabout rules and guidelines
Image: Traffic sign indicating roundabout |
Have you ever wondered why the need of roundabouts? You can find many roundabouts in your city.
Roundabouts are made to smooth traffic in the intersections. And mostly it will be for more than one lane.
In Dubai, you can see many roundabouts in internal roads. If you are learning driving in the Belhasa centres you may be knowing this as the route where test takes place having few roundabouts you have to drive.
You can see the roundabout symbol (the symbol in image 1, with a blue background and arrows in an anti-clock direction) to indicate there is a roundabout you are approaching.
Things to take care of on roundabouts
On approaching the roundabouts you have to reduce your speed to about to 20KMPH it will help you to gain good control and can give way to other vehicles in the roundabout.
You must give way to the vehicle already in the roundabout and also the traffic from your left side. You can enter the roundabout when there is a safe gap and you feel safe.
Treat this intersection exactly as you would for any other intersection you encountered and cautious too.
There are some rules you need to understand and follow for safe driving that depends on the direction where you are going through the roundabout.
You have to choose correct lane for exit from a roundabout.
# 1 Turning right
If you are turning right, signal right on approaching the roundabout.
Check the traffic from your left side and if any vehicle approaching you have to give way.
Also if there is enough gap you have to drive through. Then only enter the roundabout.
# 2 continue straight
If you are going straight, do not signal on approach. You’re not turning, you are simply steering around the traffic circle. If you signal right, people think you are turning right; and that could be dangerous as he may try to overtake you by assuming you are going right.
When you pass the first exit, turn on the right signal to indicate you are exiting the roundabout and quickly check your blind spot to ensure anyone trying to pass you from your right side. Even though they are doing wrong you have to ensure everything right as you are a safe driver.
# 3 Left turn
If you are turning left, signal left before the traffic circle.
This is particularly important in the case where there’s an oncoming vehicle approaching after you’ve already entered the circle. If you have your left signal on, the driver should yield to you and it should be obvious where you are going. If you don’t have a signal, or you signal too late, the driver may assume you’re going straight and might pull in front of you.
Always be prepared in the case where other drivers may not give way. Some drivers are confused at these intersections and this causes trouble too.
The roundabout driving especially in Dubai, have different direction sign depends on Two Lanes or Three Lanes. And the rules will slightly vary depending on the number of lanes.
Roundabout on Two Lane road
Two Lane road |
Go to right: If you want to go to the right from the two-way roundabout, Approach in the right lane and stay in that lane. Signal to right. Leave the right-hand lane.
Go to straight: If you wish to proceed straight you can chose either right hand land lane or left hand lane. Important to remember that you have to proceed with the same lane which you have chosen to enter. That means if you chose left hand lane to enter you should exit through left hand lane only.
If you want to turn right immediately after exiting the roundabout you can choose the right-hand lane to enter. Otherwise you can use left hand lane.
No signal is required on approach. Signal right once you passed the first ext.
Go to left: If you want to take left or u-turn always take the left-hand lane
Signal left on approach. Signal right once you passed second exit. Check the vehicle on the right when you decided to exit. Also, follow the correct lane when exiting.
Roundabout on Three lane road
Three lane road |
Go to right: You can follow the same procedure for a two-lane road, Approach in the right lane and stay in that lane. Signal to right. Leave the right hand lane.
Go to straight: If you wish to proceed straight you can chose either right hand lane or center lane. Important to remember that you have to proceed with the same lane which you have chosen to enter. That means if you chose the center lane to enter you should exit through the left-hand lane only.
Same as two lane roar, If you want to turn right immediately after exiting the roundabout you can choose right hand lane to enter. Otherwise you can use center lane.
No signal is required on approach. Signal right once you passed the first ext.
Go to left: Same as two-lane road If you want to take left or u-turn always take the left-hand lane
Signal left on approach. Signal right once you passed the second exit. Check the vehicle on the right when you decided to exit. Also, follow the correct lane when exit.
Note: Don't forget to signal right once you pass the second exit because you have to cross two lanes to exit and the vehicle will be there on the right. They will be knowing you are exiting the roundabout only by knowing your signal. If unknowingly vehicle coming on the right you should not exit instead you should take a round and be ready to exit.
What is in the final test
- Drive through the roundabout
- Correct use of signals
- Proper scanning of road and other vehicles and road users.
- Use of the proper lane while approaching a roundabout and exiting a roundabout
- Yielding(Giving way) to other vehicles
As this is one of the mandatory subjects in the RTA exam in Dubai you should do well to get your license. Good luck to you.
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